
Welcome to the Reed Research Group! Dr. Reed’s primary research interests relate to sustainable water management given conflicting demands from renewable energy systems, ecosystem services, expanding populations, and climate change.

The tools developed in Dr. Reed’s group bridge sustainability science, risk management, economics, multi-objective decision making, artificial intelligence, and high performance computing. Engineering design and decision support software developed by Dr. Reed has been used broadly in governmental and industrial application areas (e.g., civil infrastructure planning and management as well as US satellite constellation design and management). The Reed Research Group is exploring new frameworks for effectively combining a wide range of knowledge sources with simulation, optimization, and AI analytics to capture impacted systems’ governing processes, elucidate human and ecologic risks, limit management costs, and satisfy stakeholders’ conflicting objectives. The management modeling tools developed by the Reed Research Group combine multi-objective optimization, high performance computing, and advanced spatiotemporal visualization and uncertainty modeling techniques to facilitate improved stakeholder decisions. Click here to learn more about the background, philosophy and recent innovations of the Reed Group.