



Amestoy, T., Hamilton, A. L., & Reed, P. M. Assessing the Delaware River Basin’s Vulnerability to the 1960s Drought of Record Using a Mid-Twentieth Century Reconstruction of Streamflows. WaterSciCon24. (Slides)

AGU Fall Meeting


Lau, L. & Reed, P. M. Exploiting multi-objective reinforcement learning and explainable AI to better navigate deep uncertainties in water supply infrastructure pathways. December, 2024. (Slides)


Lau, L., Gold, D.F., & Reed, P. M. DU Pathways TRAILS: A diagnostic framework for Time-varying Regional Assessment of Infrastructure Pathways for the Long- and Short-term. December, 2024. (Poster)

Amestoy, T., Hamilton, A. L., & Reed, P. M. A Probabilistic Streamflow Reconstruction Method to Support Coupled Human-Natural Systems Evaluations in Data-Scarce Reservoir Systems. AGU24. December, 2024. (Poster)

Sunkara, S.V., Gold, D. F., & Reed, P. M. Exploratory Modeling to Better Understand How Climate and Socio-economic Changes in the Colorado’s West Slope Basins Shape Multi-sectoral Water Shortages. AGU24. December, 2024. (Poster)

Smith, M., Amestoy, T., & Reed, P. M. A Diagnostic Analysis of the Effects of Data Scarcity in Modeling the Delaware River Basin’s Reservoir Network. AGU24. December, 2024. (Poster)

DMDU Annual Meeting


Lau, L., Reed, P. M, & Gold, D.F. Utilizing reinforcement learning and explainable AI to enhance robust infrastructure pathways. November, 2024. (Slides)


AGU Fall Meeting


A.L. Hamilton, P.M. Reed, R.S. Gupta, H.B. Zeff, G.W. Characklis. Designing robust infrastructure investment partnerships in deeply uncertain water supply systems (Invited). December, 2023. (Slides).

R.S. Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P.M. Reed. Mapping Vulnerabilities of the California Food-Energy-Water System under Paleo-Informed Extreme Hydroclimate Conditions. December, 2023. (Slides).


A.L. Hamilton, T.J. Amestoy, P.M. Reed. Pywr-DRB: An open-source model for exploring water availability and drought risk in the Delaware River Basin. December, 2023. (Poster).

R.S. Gupta, C.R. Vernon, T. B. Thurber, D. F. Gold, Z.M. Hirsch, A. Hadjimichael, P.M. Reed. statemodify: a Python framework to facilitate accessible exploratory modeling for discovering drought vulnerabilities. December, 2023. (Poster).

T.J. Amestoy, A.L. Hamilton, P.M. Reed. Assessing Water Supply Availability in the Delaware River Basin Under Drought Extremes. December, 2023. (Poster)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

B. Mattos Araujo, D.F. Gold, L. Lau, C.M. Alves, P.M. Reed, Identifying and Understanding Equity Challenges in Adaptive Water Supply Investment and Management Pathways. November, 2023. (Slides)

L. Lau, D.F. Gold, P.M. Reed, Innovations in State-Aware Dynamic and Adaptive Infrastructure Pathways and Multi-Actor Robustness Diagnostics. November, 2023. (Slides)

MSD Workshop

L. Lau, Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning and Robust Infrastructure Pathways. October, 2023. (Slides)

R.S. Gupta, A Primer on LSTMs. October, 2023. (Slides)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

D.F. Gold, P.M Reed, D.E. Gorelick, G.W. Characklis. Robust and Equitable Infrastructure Investment Pathways Require Cooperating Water Utilities to Understand Counterparty Risks. May, 2023. (Slides)

A.L. Hamilton, R.S. Gupta, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, G.W. Characklis. Discovering key tradeoffs and consequential vulnerabilities for robust water supply investment partnerships under deep uncertainty. May, 2023. (Slides).

L. Lau, D.F. Gold, P.M. Reed, Identifying Safe Operating Spaces to Navigate Cooperative Uncertainties in Water Supply Infrastructure Pathways. May, 2023. (Slides)


AGU Fall Meeting


D.F. Gold, P.M Reed, D.E. Gorelick, G.W. Characklis. Robust, Equitable and Stable Infrastructure Investment Pathways Require Cooperating Water Utilities to Understand Counterparty Risks. December 2022 (slides)

A.L. Hamilton, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, G.W. Characklis. Integrated human system complexity into water supply planning and risk assessment with exploratory modeling (Invited). December 2022 (slides).

A.L. Hamilton, R.S. Gupta, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, G.W. Characklis. Discovering robust infrastructure investment partnerships to meet California’s water portfolio goals. December 2022 (slides).

L. Lau, P.M. Red, D.F. Gold, Understanding How Cooperative Implementation Uncertainties Shape Water Supply Infrastructure Pathways to Identify Safe Operating Spaces. December 2022. (slides)


R.S Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P. M. Reed. Partitioning How Natural Variability and Climate Change Influence Hydroclimate Response in Five Major Central Valley Watersheds. December 2022 (poster)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

D.F. Gold, P.M Reed, D.E. Gorelick, G.W. Characklis. Equitable, Robust, Adaptive and Stable Deeply Uncertain Pathways: a new framework for exploring cooperative stability and multi-actor vulnerabilities in regional water supply management and infrastructure investment pathways, November, 2022  (slides)

R.S Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P. M. Reed. Process-rich scenario generation enhances exploratory decision support for deeply uncertain hydroclimatic extremes. November, 2022 (slides)

A.L. Hamilton, R.S. Gupta, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, G.W. Characklis. Key challenges for defining and designing robust infrastructure investment partnerships in deeply uncertain many-actor water supply networks. November, 2022 (slides).

L. Lau, P.M Reed, D.F. Gold. Uncertainty in action: Implementation uncertainty and how it shapes dynamic and adaptive cooperative regional water supply infrastructure pathways. November, 2022 (slides)

AGU Chapman Conference on Water Availability

A.L. Hamilton, H.B. Zeff, R.S. Gupta, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. How do natural, engineered, and institutional scales impact water availability and infrastructure investment within complex, interconnected water supply systems? September 2022 (slides).

Frontiers in Hydrology

R.S Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P. M. Reed. Partitioning how natural variability and climate change influence hydroclimate response in the Tuolumne River Basin. June, 2022 (eLightning talk)

D.F. Gold, P.M Reed, D.E. Gorelick, G.W. Characklis, Using reinforcement learning to discover state-aware rule systems for water supply portfolio management and infrastructure investment pathways, June, 2022  (slides)

A.L. Hamilton, R.S. Gupta, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. Exploring the challenges facing California in achieving resilient water portfolios under climatic, economic, and regulatory uncertainty. June 2022 (slides).

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Hamilton, A. L., Gupta, R. S., Zeff, H. B., Characklis, G. W., & Reed, P. M. Designing effective, fair, and robust water infrastructure investment partnerships under deep uncertainty. June 2022 (slides).


AGU Fall Meeting


D.F. Gold, D.  E. Gorelick, G. W. Characklis, P.M. Reed. Power and Pathways: A multi-actor exploration of how cooperative stability and power dynamics impact the robustness of regional water supply planning compromises. December, 2021 (slides)


A. Hadjimichael, J. Yoon, P. M. Reed, N. Voisin. Inferring water scarcity vulnerabilities: do converging model representations of water systems lead to convergent insights? December, 2021 (poster)

A. Hadjimichael, P. M. Reed, C. R. Vernon, T. Thurber. Exploring the consistency of inferred water shortage vulnerabilities using rival framings of adaptive demands in a multi-actor, multi-sector river basin. December, 2021 (poster)

R.S Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P. M. Reed. Partitioning how natural variability and climate change influence hydroclimate response in the Tuolumne River Basin. December, 2021 (poster)

L. Lau, P.M Reed, D.F. Gold. How Does Implementation Uncertainty Shape Dynamic and Adaptive Multi-City Infrastructure Pathways? December, 2021 (poster)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

D.F. Gold, D.  E. Gorelick, G. W. Characklis, P.M. Reed. Power and Pathways Exploring robustness, cooperative stability and power relationships in regional water supply planning.  November, 2021 (slides).

IEEE Vis 2021

D.F. Gold, P.M. Reed. Visual Analytics as a Tool for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: An exploration of adaptation, vulnerability & robustness. October, 2021 (slides).

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

D.F. Gold, D. E. Gorelick, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. If not now, when? Designing state aware decision triggers to inform timing of infrastructure investments. June 2021 (slides).

Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J.D., Reed, P.M., Evaluating the consistency of inferred multi-actor vulnerabilities to agricultural water shortages through the use of rival framings. June 2021 (slides)

Gupta, R.S, Steinschneider, S., Reed, P.M., Tree-ring based weather regime reconstructions over the past 600 years for climate scenario development in the Western United States. June 2021 (slides)


AGU Fall Meeting

D.F. Gold, P.M Reed, D.E. Gorelick, G.W. Characklis. A multi-objective framework for understanding the stability and robustness of cooperative multi-city infrastructure investment pathways addressing changing drought and financial pressures. December 2020 (PDF)

R.S. Gupta, S. Steinschneider, P.M. Reed. Tree-ring based weather regime reconstructions over the past 600 years for for climate scenario development in the Western United States. December 2020 (PDF)

Hadjimichael, A., Quinn, J.D., Reed, P.M., Understanding how water scarcity vulnerabilities vary across multi-sectoral users within institutionally complex river basins. December 2020. (PDF)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

A. Hadjimichael,  J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed., Mapping DMDU inference traps: exploring rival framings of scenario discovery to evaluate the consistency of inferred multi-actor agricultural vulnerabilities. DMDU, November 2020 (PDF)

D.F. Gold, P.M Reed., What are the tradeoffs? Examining the cooperative stability of multi-city water infrastructure investment and management pathway. DMDU, November 2020 (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

A. Hadjimichael, J.D. Quinn, E.  Wilson, P.M.  Reed, L. Basdekas, D. Yates, M. Garrison., Drought vulnerability and consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholders: The Upper Colorado River Basin. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2019. (PDF)

J. D. Quinn, A. Hadjimichael, P.M. Reed, and S. Steinschneider. The deep uncertainties of designing scenarios to assess vulnerabilities under deep uncertainty. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2019. (PDF)

R. S. Gupta, A. L. Hamilton, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. How Difficult is it to Discover the Tradeoffs in Designing Financial Risk Portfolios in Snow-Dominated Water-Energy Systems? AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2019. (PDF)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

D.F. Gold, B.C Trindade, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis, Consequential Compromises: Exploring the Cooperative Stability of Multi-Actor Robustness Compromises in Regional Infrastructure Investment Pathways, Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty, November, 2019. (PDF)

A. Hadjimichael, J. Quinn, E. Wilson, P.M. Reed, L. Basdekas, D. Yates, M. Garrison. Defining robustness, vulnerabilities, and consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholder interests within the Upper Colorado River Basin (PDF)

C. Rougé, P.M. Reed, D. Grogan, S. Zuidema, A. Prusevich, S. Glidden, J. Lamontagne and R.B. Lammers. Coordination and control: Limits in standard simulation-based vulnerability assessments of complex multi-reservoir systems. Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty, November, 2019. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, J.W. Oyler, and R.E. Nicholas. At what cost? Understanding the multi-sectoral consequences of designing multi-reservoir systems for increasingly extreme floods. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May, 2019. (PDF)

D.F Gold, B.C Trindade, P.M. Reed and G.W. Characklis, Cooperative and Robust Water Pathways: Redefining robustness to include time evolving infrastructure investments and multi-actor stability. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May, 2019. (PDF)

A. Hadjimichael, J. Quinn, E. Wilson, P.M. Reed, L. Basdekas, D. Yates, M. Garrison. Assessing multi-stakeholder conflicts, vulnerabilities, and risk in the Upper Colorado River Basin. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May, 2019. (PDF)

R. S. Gupta, A. L. Hamilton, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. How Difficult is it to Discover the Tradeoffs in Designing Financial Risk Portfolios in Snow-Dominated Water-Energy Systems? AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2019. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

C. Rougé, P.M. Reed, D. Grogan, S. Zuidema, A. Prusevich, S. Glidden, J. Lamontagne and R.B. Lammers. Reservoirs in hydrological models: Is there a pilot on board? AGU Fall Meeting, December 2018. (PDF)

J.D. Quinn, P.M.Reed, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. What is controlling our control rules? Time-varying sensitivity analysis reveals the importance of adaptive and coordinated information use for multi-reservoir operations. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2018. (PDF)

D. F. Gold, B.C. Trindade, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. Navigating Regional Robustness Conflicts by Discovering Cooperative Safe Operating Spaces for Multi-City Water Supply Portfolios. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2018. (PDF)

A. Hadjimichael, P.M.Reed, andJ.D. Quinn. When Tradeoffs Are Not What They Appear and Robustness May Not Exist: The Fisheries Challenge. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2018. (PDF)

Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

D. F. Gold, B.C. Trindade, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. Conflicts in Coalitions:  A Stability Analysis of Robust Multi-City Regional Water Supply Portfolios. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018(PDF).

D.M. Hadka, D. Gold, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller.Rhodium: An Open Source Framework for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty. Software tutorial at the Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Annual Workshop, November, 2018. (PDF)

A. Hadjimichael, P.M.Reed, J.D. Quinn. Avoiding Collapse: An Illustration of Problem Framing Challenges using the Fisheries Game. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

J.D. Quinn, P.M.Reed, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, J.W. Oyler, and R.E. Nicholas. Exploring how changing monsoonal dynamics and human pressures challenge multi-reservoir management of food-energy-water tradeoffs. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018. (PDF)

D. F. Gold, B. C. Trindade, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. Conflicts in Coalitions:  A Stability Analysis of Robust Multi-City Regional Water Supply Portfolios. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018(PDF).

A. Hadjimichael, P.M.Reed, J.D. Quinn. Avoiding Collapse: An Illustration of Problem Framing Challenges using the Fisheries Game. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018. (PDF)

J. Zatarain Salazar, P.M.Reed, J.D. Quinn. The Lower Susquehanna: Adapting Reservoir Operations to Balance the Multi-Sectoral Demands during Floods and Droughts. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June, 2018. (PDF).

EGU General Assembly

J.D. Quinn, P.M.Reed, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. Coordination and adaptation: How advances in multi-objective control can reduce food-energy-water conflicts in multi-reservoir systems. EGU General Assembly, April, 2018. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

J.D. Quinn, P.M.Reed, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, J.W. Oyler, and R.E. Nicholas. Exploring how changing monsoonal dynamics and human pressures challenge multi-reservoir management of food-energy-water tradeoffs. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2017. (PDF)

D. F. Gold, B. C. Trindade, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis. Conflicts in Coalitions:  A Stability Analysis of Robust Multi-City Regional Water Supply Portfolios. AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2017. (PDF)

Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty

D.M. Hadka, J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. Project-Platypus: An Open Source Framework for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty. Software tutorial at the Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Annual Workshop, November, 2017. (PDF)

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, J.W. Oyler, and R.E. Nicholas. Exploring how changing monsoonal dynamics and human pressures challenge multi-reservoir management of food-energy-water tradeoffs. Poster presentation at the Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Annual Workshop, November, 2017. (PDF)

J. Zatarain Salazar, P.M. Reed, J.D. Quinn, M. Giuliani and A. Castelletti. Balancing exploration, uncertainty representation and computational time in many-objective reservoir policy optimization. Poster presentation at the Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Annual Workshop, November, 2017. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. Implications of preference and problem formulation on the operating policies of complex multi-reservoir systems. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2017.(PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

B. C. Trindade, P. M. Reed, H. B. Zeff, G. W. Characklis. Time evolving multi-city dependencies and robustness tradeoffs for risk-based portfolios of conservation, transfers, and cooperative water supply infrastructure development. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2016. (PDF) (OSPA Winner)

J.D. Quinn, P. M. Reed, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. Implications of Preference and Problem Formulation on the Operating Policies of Complex Multi-Reservoir Systems. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2016. (PDF)

J.R. Lamontagne, P.M. Reed, K. Calvin, R.P. Link, L.E. Clarke, J. Edmonds. Leading with Consequences: An Ensemble Experiment to Discover Important Multi-sector, Multi-scale Climate Change Scenarios. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016. (PDF)

J. Zatarain Salazar, P. M. Reed, J.D. Quinn, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. Balancing Exploration, Uncertainty Representation and Computational Time in Many Objective Reservoir Policy Optimization. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2016. (PDF)

Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (Workshop)

J.D. Quinn, P. M. Reed, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. The Implications of Preference and Problem Formulation on the Operating Policies of Complex Reservoir Systems. Poster Presentation at DMDU Workshop, November 2016. (PDF)

J.D. Quinn, P. M. Reed, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, and R. Soncini-Sessa. Bridging the False Divide: Are We Ignoring the Role of Adaptive Operations for Improving the Efficiency, Resilience and Robustness of Planned Infrastructure? Case #2: Large Storage Operations under Change: Expanding Uncertainties and Evolving Tradeoffs. DMDU Workshop, November 2016. (PDF)

iEMSs International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. Improving Multi-Objective Management of Water Quality Tipping Points: Revisiting the Classical Shallow Lake Problem. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 2016. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. Improving Multi-Objective Management of Water Quality Tipping Points: Revisiting the Classical Shallow Lake Problem. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2016. (PDF)

J. Zatarain Salazar, P. M. Reed, J.D. Quinn, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti. Balancing Exploration, Uncertainty Representation and Computational Time in Many Objective Reservoir Policy Optimization. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2016. (PDF)

T.B. Wild, P. M. Reed, and D.P. Loucks. A Framework for Evaluating Alternative Dam Siting, Design and Operations Options to Improve Sediment and Migratory Fish Passage. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2016. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

B.C. Trindade, P.M. Reed, J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. Reducing regional vulnerabilities and multi-city robustness conflicts using many-objective optimization under deep uncertainty. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015. (PDF)

J.D. Quinn, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. Improving Multi-Objective Management of Water Quality Tipping Points: Revisiting the Classical Shallow Lake Problem. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015. (PDF)

T.B. Wild, P.M. Reed, and D.P. Loucks. Identifying and Evaluating Options for Improved Sediment and Fish Passage at Hydropower Dams in the Mekong River Basin. Poster Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2015. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? AGU Fall Meeting, December 2014. (PDF)

V.L. Ward, R. Singh, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. Confronting Decision Cliffs: Diagnostic Assessment of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms’ Performance for Addressing Uncertain Environmental Thresholds. Poster Presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2014. (PDF)

J. Zatarain Salazar, P.M. Reed, J.D. Herman, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti. A diagnostic assessment of multi-objective reservoir control using Direct Policy Search. Poster Presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December, 2014. (PDF)

Cornell Seminar

J.D. Herman, “The Model Modeler: Version control and open source software”. Cornell Environmental & Water Resources Seminar, Sept. 2014. (PDF)

iEMSs International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software

J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Balancing robustness to future uncertainty between cooperating regional water utilities. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 2014. (PDF) (Student Presentation Award)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Preparing for scarcity in the eastern U.S.: Designing coordinated regional water portfolios to improve robustness to future uncertainty. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014. (PDF)

J.D. Herman, J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. “From maps to movies: High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models.” ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

M. Giuliani, J.D. Herman, A. Castelletti, and P. Reed. “Many-objective control policy identification and refinement to overcome framing challenges in reservoir management.” AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013. (PDF)

J.D. Herman, J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. From maps to movies: High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. Poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013. (PDF)

J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Beyond optimality: Multi-stakeholder robustness tradeoffs for regional water portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. Poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013. (PDF) (OSPA Winner)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

P.M. Reed, J.D. Herman, and T. Wagener. “Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the impact of model formulation on model behavior.” ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2013. (PDF)


iEMSs International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software

Kasprzyk, J.R., S. Nataraj, P.M. Reed, and R.J. Lempert. “Many-Objective Robust Decision Making for Water Supply Portfolio Planning Under Deep Uncertainty”.  R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange and D. Bankamp (eds.).  International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2012) International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Leipzig, Germany, July 2012. (PDF)

IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence

Hadka, D., P.M. Reed, and T. Simpson. “Diagnostic Assessment of the Borg MOEA for Many-Objective Product Family Design Problems.” IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (CEC 12). Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012.(PDF)

Informal presentation at Aerospace Corporation (January 10, 2012)

Reed, P.M., Hadka, D., Herman, J., Kasprzyk, J., and Kollat, J., “Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization in Water Resources: The Past, Present, and Future.” (Editor Invited Submission to 35th Anniversary Special Issue), Advances in Water Resources, (In-Press). (PDF)

AGU Fall Meeting (Posters)

Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. “Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the effects of watershed model formulation on model behavior.” Paper #H43B-1324. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting


Kollat, J.B. and P.M. Reed. “Multi-Period Many-Objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Given Systematic Model Errors and Uncertainty.” Paper #H43F-1096. AGU 2011 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, 5-9 December, 2011. (PDF)


Butler, M.P., P.M. Reed, T. Wagener and K. Keller. “Sobol’ Variance Decomposition of an Integrated Assessment Model’s Global Sensitivities.” Abstract GC11B-0906. AGU 2011 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, 5-9 December, 2011.(PDF)

Herman, J., P.M. Reed, T. Wagener. “Diagnosing dominant processes in conceptual rainfall‐runoff models using dynamic sensitivity analysis.” Abstract H31F-1232. AGU 2011 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, 5-9 December, 2011.(PDF)

Urban, R. L., K. Singha, and P. M. Reed. “Exploring the worth of geophysical data for characterizing three-dimensional transport and heterogeneity in laboratory aquifer experiment.” Abstract H43E-1261. AGU 2011 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, 5-9 December, 2011. (PDF)

INFORMS Annual Meeting (Invited Presentation)

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed. “Many-Objective Visual Analytics: Supporting Discovery and Negotiation in Complex Engineered Systems.” Oral presentation in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization 2 session. INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, November 14, 2011. (PDF)

EGU General Assembly (Poster)

Kollat, J.B. and P. M. Reed. “Many-Objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Evolutionary Optimization, and Visual Analytics.” Abstract EGU2011-2647. EGU General Assembly 2011. Vienna, Austria, April 3-8, 2011. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kasprzyk J, P.M. Reed, G.W. Characklis, B.R. Kirsch “What is the Nondominated formulation? A Demonstration of de Novo water Supply Portfolio Planning under Deep Uncertainty.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Palm Springs, May 22-26, 2011. (PDF)


Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

Kollat, J.B. Many-Objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Evolutionary Optimization, and Visual Analytics. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense, 2010. (PDF)

iEMS International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software

Reed, P.M., J.R. Kasprzyk, B.R. Kirsch, and G.W. Characklis. Many-objective Management of Population and Drought Risks: A Case for De Novo Programming. Proceedings of the iEMS International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 5-8, 2010. (PDF)

Reed, P.M., R. Shah, and J.B. Kollat. Assessing the Value of Environmental Observations in a Changing World: Nonstationarity, Complexity, and Hierarchical Dependencies. Proceedings of the iEMS International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 5-8, 2010. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kollat, J.B. and P.M. Reed. Spatiotemporal Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Ensemble Kalman Filtering and Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimization. Proceedings of the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. Providence, RI, May 16-20, 2010. (PDF)

World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists

Nguyen, N.P., J.S. Shortle, P.M. Reed., T.T. Nguyen. A Less Perfect World for Emissions Trading The Case of Water Quality Trading with Uncertainty and Transaction Costs. Fourth World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. Montreal, Canada, June 28 – July 2, 2010. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting (Posters)

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed, and D. Rizzo. “Evaluation of a Bias Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter Using a Scaled Aquifer Transport Experiment.” Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23B-1307, 2009. (PDF)

Urban, R. L., P.M. Reed, K. van Werkhoven, and T. Wagener. “Is Simpler Better? A Visualization-based Exploration of How Parametric Screening Influences Problem Difficulty and Equifinality in Multiobjective Calibration.” Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H33F-0951, 2009. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

Reed PM, JR Kasprzyk, GW Characklis, BR Kirsch “Gaming Change: A Many-Objective Analysis of Water Supply Portfolios under Uncertainty.” Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H52D-03, 2008. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed, D.M. Rizzo. “Evaluation of a Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter Using a Scaled Aquifer Transport Experiment.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Honolulu, Hawaii, Mat 12-16, 2008. (PDF)


AGU Fall Meeting

Kollat JB and PM Reed, “Enhancing the Solution of Large Monitoring Network Design Problems Using a New Epsilon Dominance Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm.” Eos Trans. AGU, 88(44), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11K-08, 2007. (PDF)

EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed. “Visualization-based Decision Support for Multiobjective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Tampa, Florida, May 15-19, 2007. (PDF)


EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed. “Scaling Analysis for Using Evolutionary Algorithms in Long-Term Monitoring Design.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Omaha, Nebraska, 2006. (PDF)


EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed. “Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Long-Term Monitoring Design.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Anchorage, Alaska, 2005. (PDF)

Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed. “Salient Issues in Comparing Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms.” Proceedings of the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Anchorage, Alaska, 2005. (PDF)